Monthly Archives: June 2015
Please remember that starting Sunday, June 21st, our service times will be 8:00am and 9:30am instead of 10:00am.
Please join the bible study group for a potluck dinner with guest speaker, Joni Coleman. As many may be aware, Joni recently returned from an incredible 5 week experience serving with the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India. Joni is excited to share her unforgettable stories and pictures which will surely enrich and inspire us! Please RSVP to Cindy Hammaker at [email protected] with what “potluck” you […]
10:00 Choral Eucharist; Confirmation and Reception Preacher: The Rt. Rev. Rodney Michel, Assisting Bishop, Diocese of Pennsylvania Celebrant: The Rt. Rev. Rodney Michel 10:45 Godly Play Dedication of Universal Access Commissioning of Karen Greene as Organist/Choir Director