Yearly Archives: 2019
During the November 17 Sunday 10am service, we filmed the congregation singing the refrain of the hymn “Bread of Life” with lyrics modified express our eager anticipation of our new Rector, Father Samuel Ndungu. Although we greet parishioners and visitors in a simple way, for Father Sam we filmed this special greeting.
We hope that you have noticed that construction has been continuing on the new hydraulic lift and ADA bathroom in the Fellowship Room. The hydraulic lift should be delivered and installed in a few weeks and then they will finish the foyer and bathroom. We hope that you are as excited as we are to continue the progress on these […]
This year marks the 11th anniversary of this project. Our recipient this year is Orion, a local organization providing support to families in need. The tags on the tree are from their wish list. Please take a tag or two from the tree, replace it with a star, and bring your items to church and place them by the tree. […]
Thank you to the many St. Peter’s parishioners who have already submitted pledges of treasure, time and talent for 2020. We are now looking forward to hearing from the rest of you, so we can put the final touches on our budget plans for the coming year. We have much to do within our own church, as well as beyond […]