Yearly Archives: 2019
The Environmental Ministry Committee will be offering a weekly Sunday School lesson during our church services throughout the season (beginning June 30th). The theme is “Saint Peter’s and Our World” and is wide open for interpretation. There will be a lesson about our mission work in El Salvador, a lesson about finding nature in our stained glass windows, a yoga lesson and more! Any subject […]
A Summer Solstice Celebration will be brought to the community by the Phoenixville Area Transition Community (Phoenixville Green Team, Camphill Soltane, and Chester County Sierra Club). There will be “Fun in the Sun”, a picnic, concert and dance party. The celebration will take place at the Kimberton Community Park.
Our next cleanup walk will be held on Saturday, June 22nd. All are invited to join in our Environmental Ministry for an “Ember Days” beautification on June 22nd. The walk will begin in the church parking lot at 9:30 AM. The cleanups last about one hour and all are welcome! Please bring gloves and sturdy shoes!
Our sexton is on vacation from July 16 – July 30. We need someone to clean the church these two weeks. The rate of pay is $15.00 per hour, the hours are 15 hours maximum per week. Please see Gary Russell if you are interested or email him at [email protected]
Friends, As the Pentecost Sunday Service, on June 9, is my last service as your Rector of St. Peter’s. And so, this Service will include a Leave Taking Liturgy and it will be officiated by Canon Shawn Wamsley, Bishop’s Deputy. As this will be the last time we will be together, I hope we all will make an extra effort to […]
Due to an unforeseen circumstance, the previously scheduled June 8th clean-up walk will be postponed to Saturday, June 22nd. All are welcome to join the environmental ministry for an “Ember Days” beautification walk which will begin in the church parking lot at 9:30 AM. The cleanups last about one hour and all are welcome! Please bring gloves and sturdy shoes!