Yearly Archives: 2021
Tonight, we begin the Triduum (Three Days) when we look at the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the Paschal Mystery, as if through a jeweler’s magnifying glass, up close, to come to know even more deeply the power and gift of the cross. We focus this night on Jesus’ mandate to love. . . demonstrated by his washing the […]
Palm Sunday Service Bulletin (With stripping of the alter) at 9:30 am Maundy Thursday Service Bulletin (With stripping of the alter) at 6:30 pm Good Friday Service Bulletin (With stations of the cross) at 12 noon Easter Sunday Service Bulletin at 9:30 am
Dear friends; I pray that you and your loved ones have continued to feel the love and embrace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through these times while we have been away from each other. On this day we join with millions of other Christians around the world for Palm Sunday. We commemorate the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem, […]
A happy and blessed Sunday to you, I pray that God has kept you and your loved ones well and hopefully you can get sometime to enjoy the warm weather outside as we marvel at God’s creation. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise him all creatures here below Praise him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise father, son, and […]
Good and blessed morning, I pray that God has continued to keep and bless you and your loved ones. Isaac Watts’ greatest hymn is considered to be “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” which Watts wrote to be sung at communion services he conducted. Some people consider this hymn to be the greatest hymn in the English language. Indeed, this […]