On Saturday, October 15, the Gardening team completed the final section of the “Pollinator Garden” started on May 14, 2022. This final section is located along the fenced north edge of the parking lot, near the garage.
We again dug up the rubber mulch from the narrow channel between the parking lot and the fence and added this mulch to the liriope garden on the other side of the fence. We then filled the garden bed with 17 bags of topsoil and planted 3 mums. More flowers will be planted later this fall.
It was good to see that 29 the 30 perennials planted in the Pollinator Garden last May are doing well. Surprisingly, the healthiest and largest plants in are several tomato plants that spontaneously sprouted from the soil moved from the 2020-2021 organic garden — and the canna lilies transplanted from the east side of the church.
The work crew included Robert Gauthier, Karen Reid, and Leo Guen, with essential tools provided by Shawhan Fox.