Please join us this Sunday, March 27th at the 10:00 service when we will recognize our parishioners who serve on the Altar Guild. The Altar Guild’s ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. They serve an important ministry in the community worship life of our tradition. As an Altar Guild member, it […]
Coffee Hour – With the reduction in local cases, we would like to offer Coffee Hour once again starting on Sunday, March 13, 2022. Our parishioners always enjoy some time for fellowship with one another. If you can help with providing a food item for Coffee Hour, please bring it to the kitchen before church. We are always in need […]
Godly Play – We would like to resume our Godly Play program for our young parishioners on Sunday, March 13, 2022. Our Godly Play program starts at the beginning of the service. Please bring your children (ages 3 – 5th grade) to the classroom downstairs when you arrive. One parent may accompany their child in the classroom on the first […]
O God our help in ages past, our hope for years to come. Dear Friends, A happy and blessed New Year to you all. This week marks the Feast of the Epiphany, the start of a generous seven- week season marking the transition between the twelve days of Christmas and Ash Wednesday. The name Epiphany carries an abundance of connotations: […]
The St. Peter’s Youth Group is open to all youth in grades 6 and up. If you have a youth who is interested in joining Youth Group this year, please reach out to Katie Druckenmiller at [email protected] or Dave Brennfleck at [email protected]
It is wonderful to be together in church and to be with each other after services during Fellowship hour. To continue to enjoy our coffee hour, we need volunteers to contribute wrapped snacks and to help to set up and clean up. Please help to keep our fellowship time thriving by donating your time and snack items. A sign-up sheet […]
Let’s all dust off our nametags and begin to wear them again. By wearing our nametags, we can introduce ourselves to new members and also re-acquaint ourselves to one another. With the Bishop coming on October 10, it will be very useful to have our names visible. If you need to have a new nametag, please contact Richard Green at [email protected]
You are invited to share in the joy of beautifying our church for the Christmas Season. Your offerings can be made as a memorial or thank offering, There is NO suggested contribution amount. Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, December 22 to be included in the Christmas bulletin and Wednesday, December 29 for the January 2nd bulletin.
When Covid struck the ever-generous Phoenixville community addressed food insecurity in a robust manner. We are also fortunate to have PACS in their new expanded operation providing food six days per week. We applaud their excellent operation and commitment to serving. Therefore, St. Peter’s Pantry will cease the pantry portion of our food ministries on December 18, 2021. We will continue […]
Join us this Sunday (December 19) immediately following the final Advent and Youth service to prepare the church for Christmas! We’ll hang greenery, put up candles, put out the crèche, and prepare the church for the season of Christmas. No experience necessary; Once the decorating is complete we will enjoy Pizza together.