On Sunday July 23, 2023, St. Peter’s Accounting Warden Dennis Reid had an experience every golfer dreams of but rarely experiences — he shot a hole-in-one. At the Linfield National Golf Club approximately 5 miles from his home, Dennis’ tee shot at the 128-yard 7th hole took a graceful arc and — with God’s help invoked at the St. Peter’s […]
The St. Peter’s website now has a PDF document containing instructions how to set up online giving in Realm. Click here to access the document. If you have questions about setting up online giving, contact Leo Guen at [email protected]. If you have questions about your giving statement, contact our parish secretary, Judy Dougherty at [email protected].
If you have not found a box with your name, please notify the parish office. Everyone is encouraged to use Giving Envelopes if they do not give by using Realm or automatic payment options.
2022 Giving Envelopes There are still Giving Envelopes that have not been picked up. They are located in the Narthex, to the right of the main entrance. If you do not find a box with your name, please notify the parish office. PLEASE use these envelopes; it simplifies the accounting process.
You are invited to share in the joy of beautifying our church for the Christmas Season. Your offerings can be made as a memorial or thank offering, There is NO suggested contribution amount. Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, December 22 to be included in the Christmas bulletin and Wednesday, December 29 for the January 2nd bulletin.