Peace and blessings to you on this blessed Easter morning, I trust that you and your loved ones have been well, safe and blessed. I continue to thank God for each and everyone of you and i pray for you earnestly, I hope you are doing the same. We continue to find ourselves in a sober moment. These are uncertain times […]
Good and blessed Easter Morning: The lord is risen indeed!!! I pray that you and your family are well, safe and blessed this morning. Easter calls us to celebrate the fact that the light of Christ has come into the darkness of our world, providing us with hope for a future greater than we dare believe. It challenges us to […]
Dear friends, I pray that you and your loved ones have continued to feel the love and embrace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through these times while we have been away from each other. On this day we join with millions of other Christians around the world for Palm Sunday. We commemorate the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem […]
Good and Blessed Morning, I trust that you are all blessed this, and that you and your loved ones are safe. As days go by and we learn more information, we may be worried, anxious at times, unsure of what tomorrow brings or at times a bit excited. Some of our young ones are getting ready to start home schooling […]
Conference Calling: Peace and Blessings to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, As a Parish we have met twice over the phone for evening prayer and Check- In, last evening Wednesday 03/25/2020 some of you were unable to join us for prayer due to the fact that the line was busy. I was notified later that due to the […]
Dear Friends, We all wish that we could know a little more of the future, don’t we? As some of you know, I love singing and especially on Sundays as our wonderful choir leads us. Recently I found solace in singing one of my favorite hymns. May these words and prayer minister to you as they have done for me. […]
To all St. Peter’s family and friends. Today is another day of disrupted normal. While we are not meeting corporately as a fellowship, we will continue to fellowship online. On Friday evening we had a glorious and fulfilling time together as we checked in on each other and raised our prayers together. God willing we will meet again on Wednesday […]
We are planning on holding a session of evening prayer and check in by phone on Friday at 7:30 pm: Dial in: 425 436-6377 Access code: 236046. I look forward to this session as we interrupt the silence of the quarantine together. In the meantime if there is anything i can do, please let me know. Blessings to you and your family. […]
Friends, I greet you in Christ’s love, holding each of you and your loved ones close and near in my thoughts and prayers as we face the uncertain times in which we find ourselves. In Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus, he reminded those facing stress and persecution to “take our lead from Christ” such that “his very breath […]
Grace and Peace to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well” 3 John 1: 2 Earlier today i sent out an email to all concerning our response and plans going forward, In that […]