St. John’s Lutheran Church, 355 St. John’s Circle, Phoenixville, presents the twenty-ninth annual St. John’s Choir & Friends concert, 7:00 P.M, Sunday, May 5. Entitled “Psalms and Spirituals” this year’s program features Psalm settings by John Ness Beck, Randall Thompson, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and César Franck and Spirituals including Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, There is a Balm in Gilead, Give Me Jesus, […]
The Environmental Ministry Committee at Saint Peters invites everyone to join us after church at 12:15 this Sunday, April 28th, to plant our raised bed gardens for season 2019! Please bring your gloves and trowels to help plant spinach, collards, kale, tomatoes, radishes, lettuces, and other wonderful vegetables. Last year we were able to donate more than 80 bags of […]
Easter Sunday following the 10:00 service. Please bring goodie filled eggs, and place in the Narthex before the service. Please bring baskets or bags for collecting the eggs.
Treble Choir will rehearsal this Sunday immediately following the 10 o’clock service in the sanctuary. All elementary school age children are welcome.
Our annual Dollar A Day Lenten campaign to benefit Cristosal began on March 6th. Cristosal addresses the human needs of the most vulnerable in El Salvador, many who live on less than two dollars per day. Please support their work by saving one dollar per day during Lent. Envelopes will be collected the week after Easter. Thank you.
Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at Liberty Union Bar and Grille, Phoenixville. For all women of St. Peter’s who are home during the week, there is now a fun opportunity to enjoy time with other women St. Peter’s with this monthly lunch get-together! You can contact Cindy Hammaker if you’re able to make it and also fine to show […]
If you have not returned your pledge cards, please do so as soon as possible by putting them in the collection plate or sending them to the church office. No pledge is too small (or too large!!). We would like to have 100% participation in the campaign. Imagine what we can do together!