It is time for our annual fundraiser to help support our general operating budget which begins this Sunday, October 16 and runs through November 13th. This year we will be selling Yankee Candles, both through a catalog and online. We have a big goal and are hoping that as a group we can sell at least $2,500 in candles. We […]
Ready for a unique and talented take on a wide range of musical traditions? Claude Bourbon is known throughout Europe and America for amazing guitar performances that take blues, Spanish, Middle Eastern, and Russian stylings into uncharted territories. Each year Bourbon plays more than 100 shows around the world. For more information on Claude, please visit his website at
St. Peter’s is home to many “good cooks” and our cooks are once again asked to prepare meals for St. Mary’s Shelter. We are scheduled for Monday, October 3rd to Friday, October 7th. Please don’t think you have to cook alone, ask a friend or relative to join you or even make this a family effort. Contact Jan Wier to […]
Saint Peter’s Church will participate in the Church Street Block Party on Saturday, September 24. The family centered event will be held between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm in the area of the Senior Center parking lot. The block party will have free events for children, music, and food available for all. There will also be a raffle with the grand prize of […]
An update from St. Peter’s Food Pantry: Our current pantry bare spots are tooth paste, soap and shampoo. We know these are not food items but are so very much appreciated. Thank you all for your continued generous support of St. Peter’s Food Pantry!
This community wide event is being offered to show our identity and solidarity with the victims and their loved ones of the Orlando shooting and other attacks across the United States. We just cannot remain silent! This event is supported by the LGBTQ community, Alianzas, Islamic Society, Diversity in Action, Phoenixville Area Clergy Association and Social Concerns Committee. There will […]
The Children’s Summer worship program continues this Sunday and every Sunday through Sunday, August 28th. The program is for children ages 3-9. Younger children may attend with a parent or guardian. Older children may volunteer to assist – email [email protected] to volunteer. The program starts when the service begins at 9:30 and runs until Peace time. Children will process up the […]
“Add a Little Spice to Your life” is the theme for our Indian Dinner catered by Aman’s Indian Restaurant, appetizers and dessert included, BYOB. Come enjoy good company and excellent cuisine. Tickets $25.00 per person, and will help defray the cost of our missioners travel to El Salvador and our mission partner, Cristosal.
For the next three Sundays, we will be running a class for our new comers. This class will hold three sessions of 30 minutes, beginning at 9:10 AM and ending by 9:40 AM on May 1st, 8th and 15th in St. Margaret’s Hall. We will cover the history, polity and faith and practices of the Episcopal Church. While it is […]
Friends, now that the Municipal parking lot in front of the church is closed, we encourage you to use the empty spaces at St. Peter’s Place parking lot on Church Street next to our church. If the first row is full, enter the second row from Prospect Street by taking a left on to Starr street and another left on […]