Please join the bible study group for a potluck dinner with guest speaker, Joni Coleman. As many may be aware, Joni recently returned from an incredible 5 week experience serving with the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India. Joni is excited to share her unforgettable stories and pictures which will surely enrich and inspire us! Please RSVP to Cindy Hammaker at [email protected] with what “potluck” you […]
10:00 Choral Eucharist; Confirmation and Reception Preacher: The Rt. Rev. Rodney Michel, Assisting Bishop, Diocese of Pennsylvania Celebrant: The Rt. Rev. Rodney Michel 10:45 Godly Play Dedication of Universal Access Commissioning of Karen Greene as Organist/Choir Director
St. Peter’s will present the 2014-2015 season concert finale. Our very own Trevor Gordon Hall will do a joint concert with Adam Monaco. Trevor sets himself apart by leaving no physical aspect of the guitar untouched and weaving together different textures into grand yet intimate and lyrical compositions. His blend of each sound doesn’t overcomplicate but focuses on utilizing the […]
We are in need of donations of “dessert items” such as cake mixes, sugar, gelatin mixes, pudding mixes, etc. We would also appreciate donations of canned tuna – always a popular item. Thank you for you continued generous support of the pantry and keep donations of reusable grocery bags coming!
Join us for a no-pressure live auction of more than 160 framed works of art at more than 50% below retail value. From Kinkade to Renoir and even sports memorabilia, something is sure to strike your fancy. With prices ranging from $40-$400, there is something for every budget- not to mention the fantastic basket raffles! Tickets are $15 per person […]
Thank you for supporting St. Peter’s Church! Ticket/Patron/Sponsor Purchase Single Event Ticket $15.00 USDPair of Event Tickets $25.00 USDPatron-Low $25.00 USDPatron-Med $50.00 USDPatron-High $100.00 USDSponsor-1/2 Page $100.00 USDSponsor- Business Card $50.00 USD Company Name/ Will Call Name Email Address Ticket Purchasers: Please note that any ticket purchases made online will not receive phsyical tickets; your name will be at will-wall. […]
One of the marvelous aspects of St. Peter’s is our wonderful music program. Consider joining us for these exciting events featuring a variety of music. View the Concert Brochure or go the the Music Page for more details on upcoming dates!
Join us for a Parish Pancake Breakfast this Sunday, February 15th following the 10am service. The event is sponsored by St. Peter’s Youth Group. All Donations benefit St. Peter’s J2A Pilgrimage trip to Maine. Thank you for your support.
Please help our wonderful youth group raise funds for their summer pilgrimage to Maine by purchasing chain links during coffee hour after the 10am service. Links are $1 each and will be sold now through February. Please help the chain grow! Thanks for your support.