On All Souls Day, November 1st, we joyfully announce the calling of The Reverend Samuel Kirabi Ndungu to be the 19th Rector at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Phoenixville. Our congregation is so happy to welcome Rev. Sam and his wife, Sylvia!
Rev. Sam has has been serving as Assistant Rector at the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas for four years. He is excited to work with the members of St. Peter’s to promote our missions.
In Father Sam’s words, I strive not to be a “by-stander” as I minister to others. I feel a strong inclination toward pastoral care. It is at the heart of my ministry. I bring my deep faith in God, in God’s love and God’s presence with us, and I journey with people in their pain.
Father Sam begins his ministry with us on the 1st Sunday in Advent, December 1, 2019.
Please join us at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church to welcome our new Rector!