News at Saint Peter’s
You are invited to join others in the congregation for the St. Peter’s annual meeting, as required by our bylaws. The meeting will be held in conjunction with our 10:00 a.m. worship service and it is important for all of us to attend. Two Vestry position vacancies, as well as a Clerk position will be filled by a vote of the congregation, […]
Good evening siblings in Christ, On Sunday we will join with many others in our Diocese and the Episcopal Church in observing the Feast Day the Rev. Absalom Jones. Attached here and below is a small part of his life shared by our Diocese. I invite you to read a bit about him as we prayerfully prepare to join together […]
DAY by DAY [Forward]: The February/March/April issue may be found on the Narthex credenza and the table near the handicapped entrance.
Ladies’ Lunch – Let’s Try A New Day – Let’s try a gathering on Wednesdays and see how it suits us. The February 2023 gathering for the Ladies’ Lunch will be Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 12:30 at O’Grady’s in Phoenixville. If you can join us, please just come along at this time. It is a wonderful opportunity for some lovely fellowship with our Ladies.