On every Sunday of the year and other Holy days, we gather for worship. There are many parts of the service that are supported by volunteers from the congregation. Representatives of each area meet regularly to review past services and look ahead to the next month. As the church seasons change, much goes on behind the scenes. Below are some of the ways you can get involved! Come and join us.
Greeters meet people at the door, hand out bulletins and welcome everyone.
Ushers help in many ways. They assist people with seating, take up the collection and take a head count so the number can be given to clergy for communion. At the time of communion, they direct people to the altar rail in an organized manner and make sure the altar gates are closed and opened as necessary.
Acolytes assist clergy in preparing the altar, crucifer, torches, thurifer and boat during service. Although our youth most often serve as acolytes, when they go away to college several adults serve in their place. Training is held a few times a year, and we are always looking for new people to participate in this part of worship.
Lectors read the lessons, lead the psalm and announce the Prayers of the People during service.
Chalicers assist clergy in serving communion by offering the cup of wine to those receiving communion.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist clergy in serving communion to those parishioners at home who cannot attend church services.
Counters record the collection for the day and prepare it for deposit in the bank.