Saint Peter's Episcopal Church . 121 Church St. Phoenixville, PA 19460 . (610) 933-2195

Saint Peter’s ANNUAL MEETING on Sunday, February 13, 2022 – ONE SERVICE ONLY

You are invited to join the congregation for the Annual Meeting to be conducted during the 10:00 service on Sunday, February 13, 2022.  The 10:00 service will be the only service on that Sunday, but it will be live-streamed as usual.  This service will be the annual meeting of the congregation and it is important for all of us to attend.  Two Vestry position vacancies will be filled by a vote of the congregation, in addition to conducting other essential church functions.  Your participation is requested and is important.  The 2021 Annual Report (will follow shortly or) is attached for your information.

In order for parishioners who are joining via live-stream to ask questions, make comments and/or vote, please text such items to 610-389-4428 (Mary Jo Wells) or by email to Frank Rothenberger – [email protected] during the meeting.  Thank you for your faithful support of St. Peter’s Church.