Whenever parishioners return to St. Peter’s and sit in the pews, they will notice a subtle difference in the main nave area — if they look down at their feet.
Once every 50 years or so, the wooden floors of the nave of St. Peter’s Church are cleaned, sanded, and refinished. On Friday and Saturday, May 15-16, 2020, a crew of ten volunteers, led by Dave Brennfleck and supported by Father Sam Ndungu, removed the pews, covered the organ console and pipes, sanded and finished the floors with polyurethane and a walnut stain selected by our resident artist, Jan Wier.
Using two rented heavy-duty sanding machines and a few hand-held sanders, the large wooden floors under the pews took about 12 hours to prepare, prior to applying polyurethane. The pews were re-installed the following week.
Assuming that the darkest areas of the nave showed where people most often sit in the pews, it was interesting to note the favorite spots of current parishioners.
In addition to Father Sam, the volunteers led by Dave included Mark Hammaker, Jim Dallas, Sam Smith, Mike O’Rourke, Ray Foerster, Victor Jackson and Leo Guen.