After you park your car you will see signs to lead you to the Church Street entrance to St. Peter’s. Enter through the red doors and you will find a greeter who will welcome you, give you a Sunday Bulletin, and answer any questions you might have.
Most of our services consist of spoken prayers, sung hymns and anthems, lessons from the Bible, a sermon, Communion, and the sharing of the peace. If you are unfamiliar with any of this, don’t worry, the bulletin will let you know when what is going to happen next. Most of what you need to know will be in the bulletin and the blue hymnal in your pew, and we’ll make sure someone helps you your first time here. All are welcome to join us for Communion at the Lord’s Table regardless of your faith tradition.
If you have any questions, or need help finding something, please ask the greeters at the entrance to the church, or your neighbor in the pew.
Your children are welcome to worship with us. If your child needs some quiet time, there is a soft space in the fellowship hall with a television so parents and children can view the service. We hope that your children will participate in Children’s Chapel for younger children and Sunday School for school age children. Our Sunday School features “Godly Play,” a Montessori based approach to teaching Bible stories.
At the entrance to the church we have bags with quiet activities for the children to use during the worship service. The bags contain coloring pages, books, crayons, and soft toys.
Please join us for coffee hour after the service. This will give you an opportunity to meet some friendly people and have refreshments with us. You will be given a “welcome” bag with information about our church. We would greatly appreciate your signing the guest book.
We hope you will make Saint Peter’s your new spiritual home!