Parish Prayers: Please keep these parishioners in your prayers: Melissa Boukalik, Beverly Burkhardt, John Burkhardt, Edward Colfer, Carol Cottrell, Pegi Davidson, Georgette Druckenmiller, Fr. Jim Evans, Amy Foerster, Leah Githua, Anne Marie Grimes, Joan Grunwell, Peggy Green, Karen Greene, Patrick Hoey, Joseph Ndungu, Scott Paris, Bea Quaintance, Lane Schultz, Sandi Spadt, Frances Stengel, Bill Sullens, Cathy Sullens, Kate Taylor, Lenora […]
On Sunday September 24, 2023, St. Peter’s new class of Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM) were introduced to the congregation and received a blessing from Father Sam. They are Gary Russell, Gretchen Streuli, Lisa Scott, Vernet Spence-Brown, Vince Giancaterino, and Maureen Baker (see photo). Deacon Joe Dietz is the leader of this ministry.
The very first non-holiday Saturday service was held at St. Peter’s on May 13, 2023 at 4:30pm, with Father Sam celebrating. Approximately 30 parishioners attended, including adults, youth and children. Following a long history of other churches holding Saturday evening services as an alternative to Sunday services, Father Sam embarked on this initiative in recognition of the decades-long trend of […]
Grace and Peace to you and your loved ones, In the course of our ministry together here at St. Peter’s I have loved the opportunities that God has accorded us to minister and to further God’s work in our region and in the lives of each of us. Beginning this coming Saturday at 4:30 pm, we celebrate a new opportunity […]
For the first time since the 2020 pandemic, on Sunday March 26th the women of the St. Peter’s Altar Guild stripped the altar and cleaned it and apse area thoroughly. They took special pride in cleaning the Lord’s table in preparation for the Last Supper, as Good Friday arrives April 7th. This annual cleaning event was suspended during the pandemic. […]
Palm Sunday – April 2 8:00 a.m. Low Mass with Blessing of the Palms 10:00 a.m. Choral Mass with the Blessing of the Palms and Procession Maundy Thursday – April 6 7:00 p.m. Choral Mass with Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altars, Vigil Good Friday – April 7 12 Noon Stations of the Cross followed by Good Friday Solemnities […]
Calling all Past and Future Lay Eucharistic Ministers – Are you feeling called to the healing presence of Lay Eucharistic Ministry — visiting and bringing communion to ailing St. Peter’s parishioners at home, in the hospital, or in hospice care? If so, please contact Deacon Joe. Prior to the pandemic, St. Peter’s had an active, vibrant LEM program that was […]
7:00 p.m. – Stations of the Cross, with the recitation of the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary afterward for those who are interested – Every Friday During Lent
St. Peter’s parking lot; the north side of Church Street; on Sundays parishioners and guests may park in the Senior Center’s Parking Lot or in the St. Peter’s Place’s visitor spots or on the south side of Church Street.