Saint Peter's Episcopal Church . 121 Church St. Phoenixville, PA 19460 . (610) 933-2195


Youth Group clears leaves at Deacon Joe’s

On a cold and blustery Saturday morning, December 7, 2024, the Youth Group cleared the autumn leaves from Deacon Joe’s lawn in Pottstown. Aided by hand-held lawn blowers, they were able to finish the job in about 58 minutes, “a record” per Deacon Joe Dietz. The gusting wind that morning […]

Crepe myrtle #3 planted in West Garden

With typical Scots frugality and thoughtfulness, Judy Ripley purchased a third crepe myrtle tree for the West Gardens to provide cover for an air conditioning condenser as well as to beautify and color balance the garden. “It was only $85,” boasted Judy. Truly a good deal for a nealy 6-foot […]

Boxwoods welcome you at the front door

Parishioners and visitors entering the red front door of St Peter’s Church might now notice a difference in the garden beds on either side of the door. That is because on Saturday, September 7th, the Gardening Team transplanted 2 boxwood bushes into the beds on either side of the church’s […]

Leo’s retirement party

There were 6 door prizes, announced by Leo and his co-emcee Ashley Hans: a box of Taiwanese pineapple cakes – won by Alejandro Colina-Valeri (yoga student of Sherry’s) a box of Taiwanese pineapple cakes – won by Bonnie Lee Elliott a bottle of Iris vineyards pinot grigio – won by […]

Cloister Garden transplants to Maggie’s Garden

On Saturday, May 11, Judy Ripley led the Gardening Team to transplant 6 azaleas from the Cloister Garden to Maggie’s Garden and West Garden plots. You may recall that last autumn, Judy started the transformation process by mulching the area containing hellebores and hydrangeas surrounding the centerpiece southern magnolia. During […]

2024 MLK Environmental Clean-Up

On a cold, cloudy Monday, January 15, 2024 (Martin Luther King Day) the Environmental Committee led its second annual clean-up of the area around Andre Thornton Park on the north side of Phoenixville (55 N Main St), located only 0.3 miles from Bridge St.  The park is named for Andre […]

A Tea Party!

The Daughters of the King hosted a Tea for the women and girls in the parish on Saturday, May 6, 2023.   We had a great turn out with many dressing up for the occasion, including hats! The Daughters offered tea sandwiches, a chilled soup, scones, muffins, cookies, other sweet […]

Dennis Reid sinks a hole-in-one

On Sunday July 23, 2023, St. Peter’s Accounting Warden Dennis Reid had an experience every golfer dreams of but rarely experiences — he shot a hole-in-one. At the Linfield National Golf Club approximately 5 miles from his home, Dennis’ tee shot at the 128-yard 7th hole took a graceful arc […]

Maggie’s lawn now Maggie’s garden

On a rainy Saturday, October 14, Judy Ripley and Leo Guen transformed Maggie’s lawn — at the northeast corner of the parking lot in front of the ADA ramp — into Maggie’s garden. Judy started the transformation process by putting a layer of newspapers atop the lawn to inhibit future […]

Heidi and Helen join Maggie’s garden

On Saturday, October 7th, the Gardening team transplanted a large hydrangea and two hellebores to the West lawn between the ADA ramp and parking lot. Fred and Judy Ripley and Leo Guen dug 8 holes in the stony earth to make new homes for the hydrangea roots that were split […]

Class of 2023 New Members recognized

On Sunday, June 25, 2023, St Peter’s welcomed new members who had joined within the past year. New Members ministry leader Judy Hans and Vestry Senior Warden Diane Hope led the welcoming ceremony to introduce the Class of 2023 new members to the congregation. A few of the new members […]

Lay Eurcharistic Ministers blessed

On Sunday September 24, 2023, St. Peter’s new class of Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM) were introduced to the congregation and received a blessing from Father Sam. They are Gary Russell, Gretchen Streuli, Lisa Scott, Vernet Spence-Brown, Vince Giancaterino, and Maureen Baker (see photo). Deacon Joe Dietz is the leader of […]

Organic garden beds redux – Phase 1

On a hot Saturday June 10, 2023, 6 members of the Property, Environmental and Gardening Committees gathered to begin construction of the new organic gardens on the southeast lawn of the church grounds. Led by Dave Brennfleck, who purchased and delivered lumber to the building site, and Shawhan Fox, who […]

Gardens: Magnolia transplanted to NW lawn

On May 20, a sprinkling Saturday morning, the Gardening team transplanted the northern magnolia sapling from the Cloister Garden to the “northwest lawn” next to the new ADA ramp. After digging a hole about 2.5 feet wide and 1.5 feet deep in very rocky soil, we filled the hole with […]

First Saturday service on May 13 at St Peter’s

The very first non-holiday Saturday service was held at St. Peter’s on May 13, 2023 at 4:30pm, with Father Sam celebrating. Approximately 30 parishioners attended, including adults, youth and children. Following a long history of other churches holding Saturday evening services as an alternative to Sunday services, Father Sam embarked […]

Brighter lighting for altar and choir

THANK YOU!!! Mark Hammaker, Dave Brennfleck, Robert Gauthier, Dennis Reid, and Shawhan Fox Thanks to you, we were able to switch out the old incandescent, CFC, and halogen flood lights with new ultra-bright LED floods over the altar and choir. AND….. unbelievably you were able to reposition and aim the […]

Join us for Saturday Evening Service at 4:30 p.m.

Grace and Peace to you and your loved ones, In the course of our ministry together here at St. Peter’s I have loved the opportunities that God has accorded us to minister and to further God’s work in our region and in the lives of each of us. Beginning this […]

Parishioners cook dinners for St Mary’s Shelter

During the week of May 1, ten St. Peter’s parishioners paired up to prepare dinners for the dozen or so residents of St. Mary’s Franciscan Shelter, located at 900 Emmett Street, Phoenixville. One parishioner cooks the entree, while the other provides a salad and dessert. While we normally provide 5 […]

Ivy cleared from SE corner

Boston ivy has grown at the southeast corner of the church for many years. This ivy has been growing around and up through the large yew, around the base of the lamp post, and climbing the church corner walls. Finally, on April 22, Leo Guen and Robert Gauthier, under the […]

Youth Group visits In Ian’s Boots

In February, the St. Peter’s Youth Group visited In Ian’s Boots. We volunteered our time to help clean, label, and sort shoes to be donated around the world. The adults and youth were inspired to help even more, so we decided to have a shoe drive. If you have any […]

Altar Guild prepares the altar for Easter Week

For the first time since the 2020 pandemic, on Sunday March 26th the women of the St. Peter’s Altar Guild stripped the altar and cleaned it and apse area thoroughly. They took special pride in cleaning the Lord’s table in preparation for the Last Supper, as Good Friday arrives April […]

New Tiled Floor for Prospect Street Entrance

During three consecutive Saturdays in February (11th, 18th, and 25th) and Monday, March 7th, the St. Peter’s Property Committee completed phases 4 and 5 of the Prospect Street flooring project, replacing the old broken floor with new ceramic tiles. The result is both aesthetically pleasing and far safer. The members […]

2023 Giving Envelopes

If you have not found a box with your name, please notify the parish office. Everyone is encouraged to use Giving Envelopes if they do not give by using Realm or automatic payment options.

Calling all Past and Future Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Calling all Past and Future Lay Eucharistic Ministers – Are you feeling called to the healing presence of Lay Eucharistic Ministry — visiting and bringing communion to ailing St. Peter’s parishioners at home, in the hospital, or in hospice care? If so, please contact Deacon Joe. Prior to the pandemic, […]

Do You Know?

St. Peter’s Mailing Address: 121 Church Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460 St. Peter’s Telephone number: 610-933-2195 St. Peter’s Email Address for the Church Office: [email protected] St. Peter’s Web Site: Fr. Sam’s Email Address: [email protected]

Youth Group Meal Preparation

Meal Preparation – The St. Peter’s Youth Group leaders are seeking parishioners who would be willing to prepare a meal for a Youth Group meeting.  During every meeting, the youth and leaders gather for a meal, and it is a very important part of our fellowship.  The meals are on […]

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Parish Concerns

Parish Concerns: Please keep in prayer, especially, John Burkhardt, Peter Fifer, Joan Grunwell, Lane Schultz, Karen Greene, Georgette Druckenmiller, Lenora Thornton, Bill Sullens, Joseph Ndungu, Leah Githua, Mary Gibbons, John Coupe IV, Diana Novi, Melissa Boukalik, Peggy Green, Dawn Rhoads, Stephanie Green, Sandi Spadt, Charles Kemmerer, Wendy Hendrickson, Frances Stengel, Amy […]

The Ministry of Rev. Absalom Jones.

Good evening siblings in Christ, On Sunday we will join with many others in our Diocese and the Episcopal Church in observing the Feast Day the Rev. Absalom Jones. Attached here and below is a small part of his life shared by our Diocese. I invite you to read a […]

1. Andre Thornton Park clean-up on Martin Luther King Day 2023 included participants from three organizations: Town Watch, Transition, and St. Peter’s Episcopal Church.

2023 MLK Environmental Clean-Up

On Monday, January 16, 2023 (Martin Luther King Day) the Environmental Committee led a clean-up of Andre Thornton Park on the north side of Phoenixville (55 N Main St), located only 0.3 miles from Bridge St.  The park is named for Andre “Thunder” Thornton, who grew up in Phoenixville and […]

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Coffee Hour Volunteers

Coffee Hour Volunteers – We so enjoy our time after the service to have some fellowship with each other at Coffee Hour.  Please consider lending a hand for a Sunday, by either arriving a little early for the service to help with set-up, or assisting with cleaning up.  A sign-up sheet […]

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A Special Thank You

Update 11/5/2022… Thank you again to all who attended the Cristosal event in early Oct.!   And it is good to know that we can do something to help and serve those suffering in Central America through supporting Cristosal financially which will help to empower them to best serve the needs of the […]